Fossil Rim Wildlife Center: Fun Safari Guided Tour

Fossil Rim Wildlife Center: Fun Safari Guided Tour

Tucked away in the rolling hills near Glen Rose, Texas about 30 minutes from Granbury, TX you’ll find Fossil Rim Wildlife Center, a hidden gem for animal lovers and conservation enthusiasts alike.  This 1,800-acre wildlife preserve is more than just a scenic escape; it’s a vibrant sanctuary where different species of wild animals roam freely….

20+ Fun Things To Do In Granbury TX

20+ Fun Things To Do In Granbury TX

Nestled comfortably southwest of the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex, Granbury, Texas, is your ideal weekend getaway. With its historic charm and a plethora of activities, it caters to every age group, making it the perfect place for the whole family. There are so many things to do in Granbury TX and we are going to explore…

Hood County Jail Museum: Explore Old Historical Jailhouse

Hood County Jail Museum: Explore Old Historical Jailhouse

Nestled in the heart of Granbury, TX, you’ll find an intriguing piece of history – the Hood County Jail Museum.  It’s located right off the Granbury square. Operated and maintained by the Granbury Chamber of Commerce, this unique attraction offers you a glimpse into the past, showcasing what life was like for prisoners in the…

Granbury Theater: Live Music Venue On The Square

Granbury Theater: Live Music Venue On The Square

Granbury Theater, nestled in the heart of Granbury, TX on the square is a cultural gem that beckons you with its charm and historical significance. This local venue is not only an architectural marvel but also a hub for the performing arts community. Its stage has seen a myriad of performances, ranging from musicals and…

Granbury Live- New Historic Live Music Venue in Granbury TX

Granbury Live- New Historic Live Music Venue in Granbury TX

Ambling around Historic Granbury square, you might stumble upon a gem that channels the heart and soul of Texas entertainment, the New Granbury Live. Imagine being part of a crowd yet feeling like each strum of the guitar or each note belted out was just for you.  That’s the experience at what’s often touted as…

Granbury Square: Historic Download Granbury Texas

Granbury Square: Historic Download Granbury Texas

Nestled in the heart of Texas, just a short drive from Fort Worth, you’ll find the historic Granbury Square. This charming town center is the jewel of Granbury TX, where history is preserved in the architecture and every brick seems to tell a story. Picture yourself walking down streets lined with 19th-century buildings, each one…

Granbury City Beach Park For Fun In The Sun In Granbury, TX

Granbury City Beach Park For Fun In The Sun In Granbury, TX

Granbury City Beach Park is your go-to spot if you’re looking for a relaxing day by the water with a touch of history. This public beach offers a place to unwind and enjoy the refreshing lake waters, just a stone’s throw away from the heart of Downtown Granbury TX. Whether you’re in the mood for…

Dinosaur Valley State Park: Prehistoric Adventures

Dinosaur Valley State Park: Prehistoric Adventures

In Glen Rose, Texas, just a short drive from Granbury, TX,  Dinosaur Valley State Park offers a unique window into the distant past. Here, you can walk in the footsteps of giants—literally.  The park preserves some of the best-preserved dinosaur tracks in the world, embedded in the bed of the Paluxy River. These ancient footprints…

Elizabeth Crockett-Her Legacy and Burial Site in Granbury, TX

Elizabeth Crockett-Her Legacy and Burial Site in Granbury, TX

Elizabeth Crockett was the spirited wife of David Crockett. While her name might not echo as loudly in the annals of history as her legendary husband’s, her life story embodies the resilience and fortitude of pioneer women. Born Elizabeth Patton, she married Davy Crockett after the death of his first wife and became an integral…